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Yesterday was a quite busy day: I met with a friend for a drink, went shopping for some clothes, enjoyed a Long Distance Dram with my parents and most importantly for this entry kicked off this years winter baking season for me.
I made a Bremer Klaben and a wholemeal soda bread, tried and tested recipes. The soda bread was decorated with poppy seeds and sesame seeds this time, tasted very nice when I had it for dinner last night. It looks like the Bremer Klaben turned out very well, I will let it rest for a week now before trying it. The flavour of the raisins, current and other ingredients needs to go into the dough before it's really ready.
I'll probably bake another Klaben next weekend, but I'm also considering a few other options: Through my referers I found a page listing German Christmas baking recipes (sorry, in German only). There is also a page with Bremer Spezialitäten (sorry, German only again), also linking to our family recipe for Bremer Klaben.
With that I'll close for now, it looks like the weather might be clearing up after a rather wet and windy night and I hope to get out for my Sunday walk later today. Time to get ready and finish cleaning the kitchen.
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