Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 01/Sep/2005: "Gadgetguy Visits Islay"

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Gadgetguy Visits Islay

And I missed it. Earlier today I was reading an entry about The Silent Penguin jumping out of a plane when I noticed something in the comments: Greetings from Islay, Frank. So I followed the link and found these entries:

According to the first entry he left on or shortly after the 6th of August. And judging from the comment on Matt's blog he was still there on the 28th. Which means he most likely was there when I was there from the 14th to the 19th.

Too bad I didn't know about this, otherwise we could have had a tiny blogger meeting. Frank hasn't been on my blogroll so far (although I did know of his blog), I'll have to change that now. A blogger visiting Islay is worth being added to it.

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