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Today it was time to catch up on what we originally had planned for yesterday, but weren't able to do because of my father's luggage having arrived a day later than him. I took my parents on a walk I had done a year ago. From Avebury we walked to Silbury Hill and on to West Kennet Long Barrow. The weather was reasonable for this part of the walk, mostly cloudy but the occasional ray of sunshine as well. When we reached the Ridgeway we encountered a quite heavy shower, but we were prepared and had brought waterproofs we quickly put on.
Through the rain we continued along the Ridgeway before cutting over along a byway to the Stone Avenue and then Avebury Stone Circle. Avebury was very busy, a lot of people around, so we quickly returned to the car to drive back to Swindon. Now we are relaxing at home and I will make an attempt on cooking dinner (Chinese style) once I posted this entry. Not sure what we'll do tomorrow, if the weather is reasonably good we might drive to Courts Garden. If not, then we'll have to see. Anyway, time to start making dinner.
End of entry
End of entry trivia
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