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I try to avoid posting too much about blogging. I also tend to avoid reading postings about blogging. But this one did catch my eyes: Metadazzle overfizzle. Jason Kottke wonders if the writing is disappearing under comments, trackbacks, categories and bazillions of other things linked to entries in some blogs.
I blame some of the weblog tools for this. They are usually written by geeks and at least during the early stages used by geeks. Geeks love gimmicks. Result: More and more functionality. And more buttons. And more metadata. And more data most humans don't really care about.
Not using any weblog tool but coding everything by hand in a way forces me to reduce the amount of metadata on this blog (although I do have my "entry trivia"). If it makes it any better I don't know. At least I hope the little bit of writing I cobble together can be found quite easily. I'll let you be the judge...
End of entry
When writing this entry the weather was: Cloudy by dry
When writing this entry I was listening to: Rock'n'Roll Riot (NME cover disc Nov 2003)
During the last hour before I wrote this entry I visited this website: VoWe dot net
End of entry trivia
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