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I've only found a German version so far (even though the original seems to be in English), so if you don't speak German I hope you know a good enough translation service: Martin van Creveld, professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem has written a very interesting essay "Die Zukunft der Guerrilla" (The future of the guerrilla) about potential outcomes of the war in Iraq. Some very worrying and plausible scenarios. Good night, if you can sleep after reading it...
Replies: 2 persons felt inclined to comment
van Crevald is not just any old professor, either. He wrote an excellent
book, "Supplying War", about the often-overlooked logistical constraints
on warlords from Wallenstein to Hitler. Well worth paying attention to
what he has to say about events in Iraq, I should think.
Posted by Paul @ 30/March/2003 08:53 GMT
Oh, and just in case you're still able to sleep, you might like to peruse
this little gem that I found in a google search for more stuff by van
Creveld this morning:
7.30 Report - 23/4/2002: Is Sharon planning a full-scale war?
Here's an excerpt, on the expulsion of all Palestinians from what's left
of Palestine:
"MAXINE McKEW: How would such a scenario become a reality?
PROFESSOR MARTIN VAN CREVELD: Well, first of all it would need a
suitable opportunity. That might either be an American campaign against
Iraq -- and Israel has been encouraging the United States to open such a
campaign [...]"
Posted by Paul @ 30/March/2003 09:23 GMT