Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 09/Jan/2010: "Snow Picture of the Day - Snow in Tree"

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Snow Picture of the Day - Snow in Tree

The ‘novelty’ is wearing off a bit and I'm getting a bit bored with all that snow. In a way ‘cabin fever’ is setting in as well, having involuntarily worked from home the last three days with the roads being so treacherous. Yet there are still nice points: At lunchtime today I went for a long run along the Kennet & Avon Canal, from Aldermaston Wharf to Midgham Lock (3.5 miles one way, I think, i.e. 7 miles return). I took a lot of pictures of the snowy landscape, but this only happened by chance, and I really like it:

Picture of snow covered branches on a tree

I had stopped to take a picture of the snow covered towpath along a bend of the canal. The picture turned out fine, but nothing spectacular. Almost by chance I looked up and noticed the snow on the green-brown-ish branches above against the pale blue sky. Not thinking too much I snapped a few pictures of it. Looking at it again now I quite like it, the textures, the colours, the mood, it just seems to play together quite well.

I hope you like it.

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