Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 10/Feb/2007: "Where Is Armin?"

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Where Is Armin?

Now that's a good question: ‘Where is Armin?’ At the moment I'm mostly over here, on my blog about the Isle of Islay. Does that mean I'm going to abandon this blog?

Yes and no. At the moment I just enjoy writing on more, meaning I'm spending more time on it. While it obviously is a niche blog it allows as well as forces me to focus on a topic, which I currently find more interesting and challenging. Something I found I struggled with a little bit on this blog the last few weeks, may be even months.

Time is obviously also a factor, there's a limit to the amount of time I can and want to spend on blogging. Not to forget my other sites I also want to work on. But I'm not going to close this blog, at least not yet.

There are still topics I like to write about and plan to continue writing about. May be just focus on them here, give this blog a bit more direction. Topics like living abroad and my (hopefully soon more regular once the current cold spell is over) weekend walks. Probably fewer entries complaining about spam or linking to wacky pages like Mystery over roadside underwear.

In other words: Don't delete this blog from your reading list or feeds just yet. And if you find it interesting may be add the one for my other blog.

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