Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 08/Nov/2006: "Quick Travelogue Plug (Beinn Eighe Page)"

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Quick Travelogue Plug (Beinn Eighe Page)

Picture of a mountain ridge with low clouds

If you also subscribe to the RSS News feed of my travelogue site this won't be new for you, if you don't here's the reason I didn't blog here yesterday:

I completed a few more pages for my Scotland Summer 2006 travelogue. Mainly the Beinn Eighe (East) - Wester Ross page, but also two Quicktime VR panoramas. Quicktime VR panorama of a view north east from Beinn Eighe and Quicktime VR 180° panorama of a view from the Black Carls. I hope you enjoy all three pages, I had a great day on the hill despite the fairly low clouds. One day I'll be up there on a sunny and clear day (apparently they do exist...), the views must be unbelievable then considering what I already had on a fairly cloudy day.

And for those interested in my job hunt: Registered with an agency yesterday who will now forward my CV to a potential opening. Had a telephone interview today, I hope I did well. Another telephone interview tomorrow and a few leads through agencies where I'm waiting for feedback if the employer is interested. In other words, keep your fingers crossed. Suggestions, recommendations etc for opportunities still welcome!

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