Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 09/Jul/2006: "Big Big Blogging Abroad Update"

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Big Big Blogging Abroad Update

If I'm not mistaken the last update was in mid February, meaning it's time for a big big update of the Blogging Abroad (Expat Bloggers) list. Quite a few additions (28 to be precise) for your perusal, here they are:

  1. From Germany to England
  2. From the Netherlands to Spain
  3. From Germany to Reading, England
  4. From Germany to Glasgow, Scotland
  5. From England to Germany
  6. From the USA to Germany
  7. From Norway to the USA
  8. From Germany to England
  9. From Germany to Dublin, Ireland
  10. From England to Oslo, Norway
  11. From England to Berlin, Germany
  12. From the USA to Germany
  13. An American in Germany
  14. From England to Italy (where he probably won't get much sleep tonight)
  15. From Germany to Canada
  16. From the USA to Thailand
  17. A Dutchman (with a Chinese wife) in Germany
  18. A German in China
  19. An American in Taiwan (the first blog from Taiwan on the list)
  20. From the USA to Taiwan
  21. From Slovenia to Germany
  22. From the Netherlands to Southern France
  23. From Germany to Norway
  24. A Brit in Malaysia
  25. An American in England
  26. A German in Switzerland
  27. From Germany to China
  28. From Austria to Germany

That should be all for now, I hope I didn't miss anyone. Some of the additons are courtesy of Christina from her 'across the pond and beyond' entry. Others contacted me via e-mail, yet others I found during my travels through the web.

Not sure yet when the next update will be, it's holiday season soon and I don't know how many new blogs I'll find over the coming weeks. We'll see...

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