Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 23/Feb/2006: "Birthday No 1?"

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Birthday No 1?

Over the last few days I've seen a couple of websites where you can find out who was No.1 in the UK charts (and the US charts) on your birthday. Two sites I'm aware of are This day in Music and UK number 1. Only one problem with them: They give me different answers. And which one should I believe?

This day in Music says it was What A Wonderful World / Cabaret - Louis Armstrong (and Honey - Bobby Goldsboro in the US charts) on the 22nd of April 1968.

UK number 1 however claims it was Congratulations - Cliff Richard on the 22nd of April 1968.

What is it then? Which one should I believe? (Does it really matter? Ed.)

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