Ministry of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda - 18/Jul/2005: "Smoking Ban Discussion"

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Smoking Ban Discussion

May be I should start with a disclaimer and that I am biased, but then again, isn't everyone? Anyway, I'm a non-smoker (I've never even tried) and wouldn't mind a smoking ban in public places. To an extent I avoid some pubs and other places because I can't stand the smoke filled air. Publicans might actually make more money from me if a smoking ban was in place, something I'm possibly not alone with. I find the discussion about the potential smoking ban in Scotland quite interesting:

Several celebrities are said to support the smoking ban in Scotland. Not everyone is happy with that: FOREST believed it was "sad" that ministers needed to rely on such names to back the blanket ban. Funny that. Why does FOREST then have press releases about Joe Jackson being against smoking bans? Not to forget that Simon Clark, director of Forest, said hundreds of actors and musicians supported the arguments against a ban, including Antony Worrall Thompson, artist David Hockney and musician Joe Jackson. That smells (pun intended) of double standards to me, even when you state that there is nothing wrong with getting celebrities to support your cause.

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