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Yesterday evening I finished the last page and added the last few links, this morning I updated the sitemap. It took me much longer than expected but then it also turned out bigger than I had expected. Regular readers know what I'm talking about: Yes, the Scotland Summer 2004 travelogue is finally complete.
Including the index and the helpful links I wrote 36 pages, there are 187 pictures (selected out of well over 2000), 1 movie and 11 QuickTime VR panoramas. All files together take up more than 30MB. I don't know for sure how many wee drams of local whiskies or bottles of locally brewed ales were consumed. To my best knowledge no animals were harmed during the process, as the flat below mine is currently empty no neighbours had to suffer when I cranked up the volume on the stereo. I also convinced a skeptic American that Scotland has some fantastic beaches. And I had numerous plugs on this blog.
Oh, and I'm off to Scotland again in a few days. So weather depending watch out for the sequel, "Armin in Scotland December 2004". Or something along those lines.
End of entry
End of entry trivia
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