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If you are paying for a TV license you might be interested in how TV Licensing is wasting your money:
I haven't got a television (or any "television receiving equipment to receive or record television programme services" for that matter), haven't had one for six years now. When I moved house recently the letters started to arrive, actually, the first one was already waiting for me before I moved in.
The letter was quite strong, alleging that I was watching TV without a license and threatening all kind of actions, prosecution and fines. Only one short sentence asking me to tell them if I don't have a TV receiver. But that was countered by the fact that they will then contact me (For what? Isn't me telling you that I don't have a TV enough?). Also no response envelope, no simple response form, nothing.
The result? I can't be bothered to reply. Why should I pay for the postage and have the hassle of preparing a letter etc?
So TV Licensing continues to pay the postage to send me more threatening letters: "TV Licensing Officers will soon be visiting" Will they? Really? You've been telling me that for months now...
But that's not all. I thought I go to their website to see if I can e-mail them. The result? This:
Their browser sniffer doesn't like my browser and tells me "In order to view this website, you need a version 4 browser or above. Please download a free browser from one of the sites below: - Microsoft Internet Explorer - Netscape Communicator". They are running a public website which isn't accessible to all browsers. Which developer was paid to produce this? You must be joking...
OK, here are a few hints for you:
Thank you. Rant over. And yes, I know, in the time I prepared this entry I could have written them a letter. But why should I?
End of entry
Much more exciting than watching television...
End of entry trivia
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