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Just yesterday I wrote about how waste heat from Bowmore distillery is used to heat the swimming pool. Today the Herald has a report about renewable energy on Islay and Mull. (via Google News Alert)
One of the most interesting means to generate renewable energy on Islay is the Wavegen wave power station. Unfortunately I only have the picture on the left, taken during a visit to Islay in 2001 (scroll down). A longer visit to the station is still on my to-do list, as far as I know visits are possible by appointment (but don't quote me on it ;-)). But there is also quite a lot of information available on the Interweb, a few commented links below:
That's enough renewable energy, now I need to renew my own energy. And go to bed.
End of entry
Still no idea why I picked this picture today. My birthday is still a few months away, as is Easter. And why was I riding my bike in the living room?
End of entry trivia
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